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October, 2011:

Unhappy With The Economy New Poll Says…Merchant Services Saves The Day

76% of American voters are dissatisfied with how things are going in the country, according to a Fox News poll released Thursday, October 27th.  With unemployment at 9.1%, a stagnant economy, and Europe on the brink of economic collapse, why would anyone be excited about the future?

We’ll a winning breed of entrepreneurs and CFO’s are making lemons out of lemonade.  How you ask?

They are driving down costs for their business by getting merchant services at a great rate.  This can save their business about 30%-40% in merchant services processing costs every month.  Merchant services processing rates have recently taken a huge dip due to the Durbin Ammendment, which took effect October 1 of this year.

With the money saved in merchant services processing costs companies are increasing their profits, gaining market share by cutting their prices, or taking that extra profit and reinvesting it back into their business.  It’s a good time to get a merchant services processing quote.

How to Manage Employees Successfully

Here are some nuggets of wisdom I have discovered over the course of my business career concerning.  These 6 simple facts will help you help your employees succeed and love working for you at the same time!

1) Take employees out to lunch regularly…build repor during the lunch…Then near the end of lunch ask, “Is there anything else that I should know?”  Then don’t say ANYTHING until they have given an answer.  This is when you get the juicy info, after you have built relationship and built trust.

2) If you can paint a picture for people, they want to be part of it.  Show them what the future may look like (e.g. what the company may look like in 10 years),

3) When there is uncertainty people will always assume the worst – eliminate uncertainty.

4) Challenge people to do great things, don’t tell people to do things.

5) Take math out of review and personalize it.  Don’t tell people “you are a B player or an A player.”   Never use the word player, instead say “Your performance right now puts you as a B performance, yet you are so good at X, Y, & Z.  Let’s talk about how to get your performance to A+, because I know your performance can be better than anyone.  I’ve seen it when you have done x, y, and z….”

6) When talking with employees there are commitment goals and stretch goals.  Talk about the KPI that is speaks to the individual, for most people that is the stretch goal.  If your company culture is right, that is also the stretch goal.

7) Know every person’s personal drivers and use them to help them achieve their goals and aspirations.  Note, most A performers usually have their goals written down.

We use these techniques at Choice Merchant Services to help our employees make us the best merchant services company.

Merchant Services, The Durbin Amendment, & The Money Your Business is Losing

On October 1, 2011, a new Federal law took effect that can affect the bottom line of just about every business In America. Download our new guide entitled Merchant Services, The Durbin Amendment, & The Money Your Business is Losing and find out how you can avoid rising merchant services fees and actually save your company a lot of money in merchant services costs.

Unless you act, your company can’t take advantage of the huge savings you could be getting – your merchant services rates could actually go up and you could pay more instead of less!

Download our new guide entitled Merchant Services, The Durbin Amendment, & The Money Your Business is Losing

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