I think that everyone can agree that the United States of America is in a world of hurt right now. We are seeeing American power fade, our economy stagnate, and the U.S. get saddled with crushing debt as our current President deals with a horrible economy he inherited and then made much, much worse through bad policies. President Obama, although he may mean well, did not have the experience or the economic understanding to be a good President for America in this critical time in our history.
Now on the Republican side people are excited about a canidate named Herman Cain, former CEO of Godfather’s Pizza. He has no experience dealing with government, politics, or even more importantly no experience dealing with macro-economic issues – he instead did a good job running a pizza company. Note I said he did a GOOD job running a pizza company, if you want to see the story of a GREAT job running a pizza company – look at Papa John’s. I digress, so essentially he has no real reason as to why he is qualified to be President of the United States. Now add to that, Herman Cain has a history of sexually harassing women and I ask you, why should he be president? Because he sounds good when he talks? I think its time for the Republicans to find a new front runner!
I would not hire Herman Cain to work at Choice Merchant Services, not alone to be President of the United States.