PhoneSwipe is the leading low-cost credit card merchant services solution for small business that want to accept mobile payments.
How does it work?
Essentially, PhoneSwipe is a free App that you can download to your smart phone or tablet. You then get a free card reader that you plug into the headphone jack of your device and you can then accept swipe credit and debit card payments directly through your smart phone or tablet.You can see this 1 minute mobile merchant services video to see how it works.
What does it cost?
PhoneSwipe is free to setup and keep. There is no setup fee, no app fee, no monthly minimum, no hardware free. Your only cost is 2.69% per swiped transaction which is the lowest mobile merchant services fee on the market.
How do I get started?
1. Go the PhoneSwipe web page and apply.
2. Be approved within 24 hours.
3. Download the app to your Smart Phone or tablet.
4. Be accepting credit card and debit cards immediately.
5. Within 24 hours receive the free card reader.