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merchant services processing

Merchant Services Rates Calculator

Enter your existing merchant services rates below along with the new proposed merchant services processing rates to calculate your merchant services rates savings. Not sure what your current merchant services processing rates are? Request a free statement analysis from a financial analyst on the left.

Total Estimated Merchant Services Savings: $
Rate Analysis
Interchange Average Monthly Bank Card $Volume Current Rate(%) Proposed Rate(%) Monthly Savings Annualized Savings
Mid Qualified
Non Qualified
Transaction Fees
Average Transactions Current Fee Proposed Fee Monthly Savings Annualized Savings
Pin Debit
Batch Header
Other Fees
Average Count Current Fee Proposed Fee Monthly Savings Annualized Savings
Statement Fee
Voice Auth
Additional Fee
Total Estimated Merchant Services Savings: $

Fill out the form on the left to receive a
FREE merchant statement analysis from Choice Merchant Services.

Statement Analysis Request Close
Thank you for your inquiry. We will call you within 1 business day.

Email a copy of your most recent merchant services statement to or fax it to 888-959-0940 to the attention of ìStatement Analysis." Be sure to include your first name, last name and phone number in the email or fax that you send us.